Monroe High School Update (10/7/24)

October 7, 2024

Parents, students, and staff:

We are half-way into the first quarter of school. Students are hard at work with classes and extra-curricular activities. We have many things happening at the school. Please see the following and reach out to the school office, if you have any questions.

PSAT Testing

Thursday, Oct. 10th is our annual PSAT testing day. This is an opportunity for kids to become familiarized with high school level summative assessments as well as provide data for our staff. Students can use this to show they have met the essential skills for high school level learning. It is a half-day for kids and the buses will run at 11:45am when the students are dismissed.

Senior Project Orientation

Along with the half-day schedule on Oct. 10th, seniors will begin the process for their senior project experience. This annual project helps students engage in determining their paths beyond high school. Seniors will have early release to establish project plans, find mentors, and more.

Dragon Pride Dinner and Auction

This year’s booster club dinner and auction will be held October 19th in the high school commons/gym. Doors will open at 5:00pm. This is the largest fundraiser that our booster club does and provides funds to support all high school athletes. Please join us to support our kids and athletic programs. The auction flyer can be found on our district website and facebook page.

DP is always looking for volunteers. The booster club feeds players and coaches after every home event. This takes many helpers to do so. If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to for more information.

Student Health Survey

Each year, the state of Oregon surveys 11th grade students. This year, the Student Health Survey will be taken by Juniors on October 30th. The survey is completely anonymous and optional. The survey gathers data across the state to assess the overall health and wellness of our kids. If you would prefer your child does not take the survey, please reach out to the high school office.

Homecoming Week

Homecoming week 2024 will be October 21st – October 25th. The week is full of activities, pep assemblies, and culminates with the homecoming game and dance on the 25th. Please join in on the festivities. More detailed information will be shared in the next couple of weeks.

Important Dates

  • October 10th: Half Day: PSAT Testing/Senior Project Orientation
  • October 11th: No School: Professional Development Day
  • October 19th: Dragon Pride Auction
  • October 24th: Powderpuff Football/Boys Volleyball
  • October 25th: Homecoming Football Game/Dance

Thank you,
Beau Sisneros – Principal